We develop: More visibility for the Taikayöntie route through cooperation
Taikayöntie is one of the official tourism routes and scenic roads in Finland, running along regional road 230 from Urjala to Huittinen. The road passes through a picturesque rural landscape. However, since the establishment of the tourism route, active cooperation has disappeared. In addition, awareness of the Taikayöntie route should be improved. The route needs a new presentation based on today's interests. This work is supported by the Taikayöntie project.

The route was named after a 1967 song “Taikayö” (magic night in Finnish) by Finnish musician Martti Innanen. The song was a big hit at the time in Finland and it describes the rural romantic landscape of Urjala and Huittinen region. Innanen's nostalgic song is part of the reason why people know Taikayöntie route, but younger generations in particular have not heard the song. Therefore, a new way of presenting the road is needed to raise awareness of the road.
Improving the accessibility of the route and setting up a Taikayöntie network
Currently, it is almost impossible to find information about the Taikayöntie route in digital sources and there is no up-to-date map of the route in digital format. Visitor destinations in the area have changed and operators are not linked to the route. Operators in the area no longer know each other and do not cooperate. The network for route development has disappeared.
The “Taikayöntien Lumo” project will set up a Taikayöntie network encompassing residents, associations, organisations and events, as well as tourism and cultural sectors and local authorities. Networking is the key to rebuilding the Taikayöntie brand. This cooperation aims to ensure that the content for travelers is high quality, consistent and relevant to the needs of tourists. Cooperation between the network is key to the future development of the route and the surrounding region.
Raising awareness through communication and events
An attractive website will be created for the Taikayöntie so that travelers can easily find information about the route. The project will improve Taikayöntie’s online visibility and create an up-to-date digital map of the route. It will also seek to raise awareness of the road by brainstorming and experimenting with events and activities that promote the vitality and inclusiveness of the area. This will also build community spirit in the area and find ways to involve local residents and visitors.
Ensuring the continuity of the Taikayöntie route’s development
It is important to ensure the continued development of the route. During the project, new models and tools will be built in such a way that they can be easily accessed and updated in the future. Cooperation between the Taikayöntie network will also play a key role here.
The Taikayöntie route has potential
Taikayöntie has huge tourism potential, which should be exploited in the development work. The winding road through picturesque fields, a river valley and idyllic villages is inviting. As you travel along the road, you will recognize the authentic rural life and rural village feel. The Taikayöntie route has the potential to become an attractive rural and tourist destination, adding not only prosperity but also attractiveness of municipalities.
Did you know?
- In Finland, official tourism routes are marked with uniform, brown-based signs bearing the names of the roads and the route's own symbols. Along the tourist routes you will find accommodation, cultural activities, places to eat and great scenery.
- In the middle of Taikayöntie route, in the Punkalaidun, you will find the picturesque Yli-Kirra Peasant Museum. It has served as the inspiration for the Finnish author Mauri Kunnas' beloved Doghill Farm children’s books.
- There are a lot of deers on the Taikayöntie route! Urjala has the highest density of deer in Finland.